Caption This #082: Springtime


The Caption This game is played Wednesdays at 12PM ET. Each week, I’ll post an image from an episode of M*A*S*H and ask readers to provide a caption. This is not a competition, there is no winner, and you can share as many captions as you want.

This week’s image is from the Season 3 episode “Springtime.” Take a look and hit the comments with your best idea for a caption.

Still from the MASH episode Springtime showing Radar.

Check back next Wednesday for another installment of Caption This.

3 Replies to “Caption This #082: Springtime”

  1. Frank (off camera): “I don’t care if it’s raining, Corporal O’Reilly, stop always coming into officers’ country like you do, or I’ll play darts with your face right now!”

    Radar: “Aw, c’mon, sir! I already took a shower… last month.”

    Trapper (entering, letting Radar in): “Don’t worry, Radar, given his abilities with a scalpel, he’d probably miss.”

    Hawkeye (with Trapper): “Knock it off, Frank, even next to this sponge with glasses you’re the most all wet person here!”

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