Actor Val Bisoglio, who played the camp cook (Sgt. Sal Pernelli) in three episodes of M*A*S*H, has died at the age of 95.
Episode Spotlight: The Life You Save
Every Monday, I spotlight a random episode of M*A*S*H, providing a brief review and asking readers to offer their thoughts. This week’s episode: “The Life You Save.”
M*A*S*H Broadcast History Completed [Updated]
My broadcast history of M*A*S*H has been completed, listing every original episode, every repeat, and every pre-emption.
This Week Wrap-up
This Week in M*A*S*H wraps up its inaugural run with a look at the episodes that aired in late March through early May.
Attempted Assassination of Reagan Pre-Empted M*A*S*H
On Monday, March 30th, 1981 at roughly 2:30PM Eastern, John Hinckley, Jr. attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C., wounding the President and several others. As news of the shooting spread the TV networks–ABC, CBS and NBC–interrupted their regularly scheduled programming for live coverage that continued into the evening. ABC scrapped its planned …
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