10 Replies to “Name That Episode 70”

  1. Poor Klinger in that song…

    KLINGER: Oh some guys like the Army, I think that it’s a mess, if it’s so damn terrific, how come I wear a dress?

  2. I just think Frank’s part in the song and his ‘enterance’ was hiliarious! I was reading somewhere that he made it up himself, because he felt Frank wasn’t getting enough in the script.

  3. If he did (I don’t remember reading that), then he did an excellent job, that was really quite in-character.

    Kinda like during the playbacks and dailies of Hawkeye and Radar were helping a pregnant local on the bus, during on take Gary adlibbed “OH! ICK! I SAW HER FUZZY-WUZZY!”

  4. “Movie Tonight” is, of course, the correct episode. I really thought this would be a bit tougher but I suppose the episode is such a favorite with fans that any image from the episode would be recognizable.

  5. It is probably in my top 5 episodes. What makes it so popular is the singing and almost variety show like atmosphere. It was a nice break for the characters from the war and it was a nice break for the fans too!!

  6. It does seem to be a general fan favorite, doesn’t it?

    As far as Season Five in concerned, I’d say this is probably one of my top 3 favorites from that season.

    I wonder if the Father Mulcahy sound-alike contest was inspired by off-camera fun, or vice-versa… I remember DOS talking about how they used to do Bill Christopher sound-alike contests off-camera all the time.

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