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Looking for aerial photos of the camp

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:20 pm
by Tuttle
I am looking for aerial photos of the camp before the fire. I am in the process of building a three-dimensional computer model of the actual camp that can be toured via virtual reality.

I have found the hand-drawn plans of the camp but unfortunately they are not accurate enough for the 3-D model that I will be building

I have already created a digitized model from the sweeping panoramic during the opening credits of the show. I took 30 frames of the animation in the computer generated the tents and buildings. Now I need accurate locations of each of the buildings to put them on Google earth.The Google earth aerial photos only go back to 1989. Ideally I would like to get an aerial photo from high elevation as possible.

Where their episodes that showed the camp from a helicopter view? If I remember correctly there was some sniper scenes that were shot from the helicopter as the machine gun shot the sniper.

Re: Looking for aerial photos of the camp

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:40 am
by Tuttle
it looks like the episode 154 – “Point of View” (7×10) has some aerial photos from a helicopters view.

I am also thinking “5 O’Clock Charlie” (#26, 2×02) my have helicopter footage

I am in the process of 3d scanning the camp via video footage. If the camera is moving (not panning from a stationary point) I can generate 3d models from the computer stitching them together. So if say a helicopter was swinging above the camp as in the opening credits, I can grab all those frames and the computer will digitize all the common point to create a 3d mesh model. It is very cool technology.

So any episodes where the camera may be walking behind someone, to moving on a dolly, or in a moving jeep, I can use those.

I am virtually rebuilding the camp

Re: Looking for aerial photos of the camp

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:36 am
by RJ
"Point of View" would have been my first suggestion. I am sure there must be other episodes with the sort of footage you are looking for.

Re: Looking for aerial photos of the camp

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:02 pm
by Tuttle
This is my first attempt at using a new program called Mementoe. It can take a series of images and stitch them together into a 3d mesh. I ran this particular scene on my laptop, and did a screen capture, then from that created an MP4 that I then again captured 70 frames from. So I think I am losing some quality each step.
Two things to try to get a better mesh:
1) Do a direct dump from the DVD to a tiff like file
2) 2) find the most pristine source of the episode. I am wondering if FOX upgraded the quality on the stuff they pushed from Netflix, or is my box-set the best I’m going to get
I also want to get modern day scan of of the valley from google earth. This I can align with the mesh from Point of View.
Even if I don’t get any farther than this quality, I can get precise measurements of the exact location of each structure. I have a feeling the otherwise published map are approximate location, and not “as-builts”. I will do most “detailed” modeling from frames or photos. This is fun stuff – Thanks, Captin Tuttle

textured 3d view
solid color view
solid color view with labels
one of 70 images from dvd used to make 3d mesh