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(09x04) 202 - Father's Day

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:23 pm
by RJ
Use this thread to discuss 09x04: Father's Day.

Re: (09x04) 202 - Father's Day

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:59 am
by Ferret Face
Rewatching this episode, I was kind of surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It wasn't one of Margaret's best episodes, but I did like her story with her father, especially how he tried pushing her away in order to stay strong in her eyes. Though I think my favorite aspect of that story was actually Margaret's father's scenes with Potter, as they bonded over being old soldiers, and then Potter telling him off over pushing Margaret away.

The side-story with the beef was pretty good as well, acting as a nice comedic counterpart to Margaret's story. I usually enjoy episodes where people get excited over receiving something special like good food, nice clothes, etc. And I loved seeing their reactions to hearing about receiving the beef, and then actually seeing that it's an un-butchered cow. And of course, Margaret's reaction to seeing it in the wheelchair was great.

I do kind of feel like they could have spent a little more time on the beef story, and shortened the Margaret story slightly, but it's still a more enjoyable episode than I expected it to be.